Catalog 5: H2CommandCentre
8 (Closed courses will not be included.)
  • Overview

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After you logged or registered, simply select the the course from the catalog to enroll.

the enrollment process will take you to the checkout process where you simply enter the coupon code to access the course. 

Contact Manager gives you the ability to manage users, create contact lists for bulk messaging, as well as importing lists into the system.
Welcome to the H2Notify eLearning program. This application is used to send, manage and archive mass notifications to your assigned contacts.
This video tutorial, along with the user manual, will give you the process, and the detailed instructions to setup and maintain notification zones in the COP+Wildfire add-on.
Learn how to initiate a session, navigate the map, define a hazard zone and complete resident notifications utilizing COP+ Respond, H2Safety's emergency response mapping software.
In the event of an emergency or drill, one of your company's Virtual EOC Session Initiators will need to start a session and invite other users to join. This course will prepare you to start a session, send out invitations to other users and will familiarize you with the program so that once a session has been initiated, you can manage it effectively.
In the event of an emergency or drill, someone from your organization may invite you to participate in the response using Virtual EOC. This course will prepare you to accept this invitation and will familiarize you with the program so that once invited, you can join and participate effectively.
This course is intended for anyone that could potentially participate in the emergency response to an incident. By taking this course you will learn how to access and navigate your company’s Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) electronically using a web browser, tablet or mobile phone.
This course is intended for those that have been added to H2Command Centre by a Company Administrator and have received an e-mail inviting them to log into the system.